September 15, 2009

The Way of the Giant Panda

Here is one weirdly paradoxical creature. I discover these strange fact when I was watching dodo's guide to extinction (I forgot wether its at NGC or Discovery Channel)
  • It is a bear descendant, but looks like a racoon, and unlike other bears family, it has a thumb.
  • It is a carnivora by nature and has a carnivora's digestive tract system.
  • And yet they refuse to eat anything other than bamboo.
  • They only get a small amount of calory each meal, and therefore should eat all the time.
  • Low calories cause low blood sugar, hence the letargic and lazy behavior.
  • That is why the most popular panda's pose is this. A perfect combination of lazyness.
  • Panda doesn't know how to mate unless they had watched other mating couple.
  • So in captivity, they try to make panda watch panda's porn, and viagra, but also didn't work. (Yes a porn movie for panda...can u believe that!!)
  • Thus happen the artificial insemination for captive panda.


hub said...

such funny creatures.
a very Zen like species, don't you think? wouldn't do harm to anybody.

Aron Husink said...

Yes..its strange how a bear descendant could have adapted to such a combination..bamboo eater,wierd color..etc
So far from d image of kungfu panda..zen monk panda suits better..haha

Anonymous said...

humm makes me wanna forced-feed them with meat..maybe choke them with meat and gradually insert a meat on a bamboo and see if they became hostile and angry all the time

*satan mode on

Aron Husink said...

Hmmm...I guess with that anti-veggie thingy in your head, this creature will be the first to be "improved" hahaha