September 2, 2009

Vocabulary: Peculiar

It has two roles. As an adjective:
1. Of only one person, thing, group, country, etc; distinctive, exclusive.
2. Particular; unique; special.
3. Out of ordinary; queer; odd; strange.

As a noun:
1. Something belonging to one only, as a privilege.
2. A church or parish under jurisdiction other than that of the diocese in which it is located

Synonym: Strange

Source: Webster's New World College Dictionary, 4th ed, 2000


hub said...

wongky is a peculiar person.
by 'peculiar', I do mean 'queer'.

Aron Husink said... you mean "the other" queer???hahahahahaha....because it also has an embarrassing synonym :D

hub said...

that queer.

Anonymous said...

DAMN! you know that i'll used that on got me first..! okay so i'll change my sentence to this..
hub and andyL are in a peculiar reationship. hum is it correct..?i don't care =P

Aron Husink said...

Gyahahahahahaha....becoz the L-man is also a peculiar one...God I wish he never read any of our blog hahaha