May 17, 2011


I've decided to create a new blog which you can access from that link up there called "The Executor". I decided to separate my blogging topics so that I can get them more in-focus. Existentialist and Photographer may reside within the same being, but to babble about both of them at the same time would greatly confuse the audience. You never heard Mr. Kierkegard spoke about hyperfocal distance or Ansel Adams gave a comment about Thus Sprach Zarathustra aren't you? Heck, even Gabriel Marcel who try to play around with both philosophy and drama, was more famous due to his philosophy. Learning from the past, it seems a good decision to concentrated on a particular subject, at least to a particular audience. Hence the divergence. Some of the post here that is too photographic would probably get exported to the new blog

Well, I'll still keep this blog running though, since I don't think I'll ever run out of critiques for the humankind. Bastards and fools are still everywhere, earth will not run out of those kinds - at least not in my life time -, especially in this part of earth where the Ubermensch is clearly misunderstood even by a person who claim himself as a scholar, so a critique will always has its place as a good countermeasure. Other than that, the Greats from the past - characters or tales - are still large in number that I'll never run out of them to tell and discuss.

In a nutshell: I got a biggie plannie for this bloggie thinggie. Just hope that the fire keeps burning with a plenty of time to spend on this. Fingers crossed.