About a month ago, I was still a Cardio intern an RSUD Tarakan, trying to smooth my way out to become a cardiologist in the future, hopefully. And that means I will need to take the Cardiology residency exam, which also means, I will need to take a break about a month before the test, to make sure that I study enough. The idea is “With that much time, can u imagine how much about cardiology that I can learn”.
So the plan was:
Wake up – breakfast – study – lunch – study – nap – dinner – study – good night.
Wake up – breakfast – go to gym – lunch – study – nap – dinner – study – good night.
Looks like a terrific plan uh. Sure I’ll get to the top of the list of the writing test. I had no obligation else where, why should it be a problem to manage my own schedule? But Nooooooo. . . . It is much much harder then I think. It turn out to be:
Wake up – breakfast – uhmm.. still sleepy, might wait a bit so I can focus better when I read, so watch BBC knowledge – uhmm.. still sleepy, a short nap might help – uhmm..no, My eyes wanted to close, but my brain refuse to shutdown, so I’m force to wake up – lunch – uhmmm..now the headache kicks in – study, err..struggling to focus – nap – dinner – watch TV a little, why not, reading after dinner will only make me sleeps faster, that is called rationalization of laziness – oh my god, late night, study – barely focused – go online – sleep. And it goes for days +__+
The next day:
Wake up – Gym – aha, tired, but better then drowsy, u can study while tired, but u can't study while sleepy – lunch – study – long nap – dinner – watch TV – study – early sleep. Hmm…sound better, but it rarely comes this smooth..1-3 days a week, that is very inefficient +__+
So idle seems to bring more misery then a boost of spirit. Now I understand why the idle old Chinese folks do morning tai chi exercise. Perhaps an “SKJ” that I usually resent rather made sense. Because practice at gym in the morning seems make a better day. And it seems we people, or perhaps its just me, are accustomed with arranged daily schedule. when I have the freedom to manage my own daily routine, things seems to be getting out of hand. What a robot...
me too.
it seems like we've never had freedom so we don't know what to do about it.
I'll try to exercise.
kakakaka... sama
my plan:
wake up - urusin kelinci - b'fast - mandi - study - lunch - watch - study - kelinci - dinner - istirahat - study - bobo...
wake up - kelinci - kelinci - b'fast - kelinci - komik - komik - mandi - lunch - baca dikit - komik - komik - kelinci - baca dikit - internet - dinner - watch - komik - bobo....
kakakakaka cuma kelinci ama komik... akakakaka.. gimana neh say..???????
wah ada mobil!
Hmm??apanya ada mobil??
monyong gw dikatain mobil...!!
O iya..car...hahaha...kecian...awas lo tus..
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