September 14, 2009

Artist of Life

Just recently, i revisit my old-book collection and found "Bruce Lee - Artist of Life". A book which bought by my father at 2007...I opened the first few pages, then read the foreword, and found this quote by Bruce:

"To know yourself takes a lifetime"

And I Thought "Heh??sounds damn familiar"..and i remembered something...

"Memahami diri, gak cukup seumur hidup"

This phrase once posted by me in my facebook status update...that is just funny..and weird..hahaha...but I'm also excited, because a man of his caliber could have the same thought as I am..well this book gives me a broader view about Bruce Lee..

People tend to think of him as a martial art master, strong punch and kick, able to fight numbers of opponent at one, macho, strong, etc..but few realized that he is more than that..his martial practice has led him to understanding about the importance of philosophy, and understanging about the life itself...thus years of study at University of Washington in philosophy...Plato, David Humes, Rene Descartes, Thomas Aquinas and other philosophers has influenced many of his philosophycal thought...perhaps I'll write something about it in near future...

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