Here is the number one psycic in the animal kingdom.
How is it called psycic?It can forecast weather 6 months ahead..and based on the research in America, it is with 100% accuracy. What does weather forecast has anything to do with ladybug??well...It has something to do with their survival.
In England, ladubug will need to know how harsh will winter come. If its a mild winter, then they simply do nothing, and by the time the weather gets cold, they only need to pick a spot which is shielded from the a direct wind and open air. they will freeze by the winter, but not freeze enough to kill them. As soon as the spring arived, they will "melt", and be the first bug to roam the spring feast of fresh leafs.
But if the coming winter is a harsh one, they'll need to dig an underground temporary settlement so that they don't freeze to death during six month of winter. So yes, weather forecasting inaccuracy will be a death sentence. Luckilly so far, research has proven that their psycic ability is 100% accurate. And up untill now, no scientist has ever succeed to unravel this "psycic" ability.
Six months?!
That's impressive.
I wouldn't know tomorrow's weather.
Yep...and the fact that the scientist never figure the way out is what makes it more impressive..
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