January 11, 2010

New Year 2010's Firework

First project with Canon EOS 400D/Digital Rebel XTi

It took the eagle quite some time to figure out what would he like to post, since he got a mate to be dealt with, nest and eggs to be taken care of, and not to mention setting up snake traps here and there for either protection and free lunch. But here it is, the eagle eyes are still a bit sore from 2009’s lack of sleep and depression, so it hampers his ability to learn early on. But fear not, more projects and experiments will be posted as more knowledge is gathered during this lazy useless idle life phase of him.

This picture was taken from eagle’s mate’s second floor balcony, right at 00:00 am 01-01-2010, the fireworks actually launched from La Piazza at Kelapa Gading Mall, but since it only happens for a few minutes, and I didn’t brought my tripod, plus I was lazy, so there is no use of running down the street to get a better position, because it will be either too late or result in a horrifying image quality caused by either my unsteady hands (not a neurosurgeon’s hands I guess), or streetlights hampering the metering process.

This is my first attempt to get pictures with my sister’s Canon EOS 400D + 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 kit zoom lens (which I had just claimed for ownership :D ) and I will stick to this camera for quite a long time. Because it happens so fast, there is no way I can use manual setting to determine the effect that I desire, so I set the ISO to 1600, used the P program to let the camera determine the correct aperture, which always 5,6 at 55mm focal length (the focal length that I use for all this images), and I rest both elbows on the balcony’s fences to act like tripod (which I couldn’t had done so if I ran down the streets).

All the image above were taken under correct exposure determined by the P program, so the aperture is varied from 0.6-2.5 s. although some of them are quite satisfying, personally think that the auto metering makes the sky look a little too bright.

Below are a couple of images that is accidently captured without waiting the camera to be ready, so that the shutter opens up quite briefly. But in my opinion it gave quite a decent effect. It isolate the fireworks with no trees or grainy sky background, and it freeze the fireballs along with its smoke, contrary to just some lines of colors u see above.

And that’s it for now. Please give your comments especially Mr. Swikee, Mr. Snake (If you haven’t tripped on my snake trap), Mr. Ape, and Mr. Bunhead (even if it’s just to make fun of the snake).


hub said...

u don't have to put the traps. the eggs can watch themselves I think. besides, it's just me... (I wonder if you'd fall for that)

anyway, if you could do it all over again, what would you change? lower the aperture (to make it wider)? or increase it (so you wouldn't have to deal with the glare)?

correct me if I'm wrong. I don't know anything about photography.

Anonymous said...

I think some of these pictures are actually really nice seeing that it's taken without a tripod.

but IMHO you should try to get the image on 18mm with f/3.5 because

1. larger aprture --> lower ISO --> lower noise so you can vary the shutter speed for creative photography, and who knows depending on the sky condition you can actually take the stars with the fireworks.

2. if you are worry that the image is to small in a context, you should consider bigger resolution, and make it in a RAW format hence you can crop it with Sotoshop.

but of course this depends you you camera.

3. by using manual setting you can actually be taken in the photograph with your mate during the fireworks.

but this is all just my imagination on how i would like to take the picture.

I called it "Imaginary Photography".

@mr snake : You should see the lens since the eagle uses a 18-55mm f3.5-5.6 he cant really do bigger aperture with a 55mm zoom. He needs the $1200 lens of Nikkor zoom 18-270mm f/2.8 IS II lens to see the fireworks without a glare in a bigger zoom. but nevertheless it's correct you need to make aperture wider to work with the glare.

Or just sotoshop it =P

hub said...

o yeah, thanks!
missed that.

Chu! said...

KEREEEENNN... ! so jadi profesional ka?

Aron Husink said...

Snake: yes...wider aperture will be better...but canon's 17-55mm F 2.8 cost >10million..beside, it will decrease the ISO needed (just as wongky said) thus lesser grain in the sky background..but would do nothing to decrease the glare...So what I'll do is to set the ev to -1 or -2...right now the ev is 0 (means adequate light going in to the lens)...but ev -1 to -2 will result faster shutter speed and darker image..but it'll freeze the fireball better...but no background can be seen...

the first and the third images are 2,5 s and 1,6 s respectively...notice the effect of the wind blowing the fireworks...while the last two image is 1/20 and 1/40 s..and eve tough its dark...I kinda like them :P


1. even with 55mm zoom I still get the roof, radio tower, and some trees..so 18 mm will cause the fireworks looks to far away and too small...I need a Higher and closer ground from the scene for the 18mm to work...and here is where my future zoom lens canon 50-250 f4-5,6 with excellent canon's IS will assist me..hahaha...it only cost about 2,3million compare to other canon zoom lens...PTT salary here I come... :D

shooting the star with the fireworks will be a though job..I still don't know the appropriate setting for aperture and shutter speed to capture starry sky...perhaps I'll start with the moon since starry sky is a rare occasion these days...good idea, it'll be my next project :D

2. I'm quite satisfy with the resolution...and I always set my resolution and compression quality to the maximum...for uploading purpose I resize them to 640 pixel wide or height.

3. I forgot my tripod -___- and still learing how to use flash decently for night potrait..beside, I kinda obsessed with the fireworks..so I forgot the take our picture with it ..meh -___-'

Aron Husink said...

oh yeah..on more..I try to avoid using photoshop...because I love originality...like some wedding photographer said, "we are professional photographers, not professional photoshopers" hahaha...

turtle: hahaha...just an amateur wasting his time in this empty phase of life...btw I got some decent turtle image for the next post..it suits your profile picture well hahaha :P

Anonymous said...

hummm I'm considering buying prime lens 35mm f/1.4G ,it'll cost me 3 million. but it will be a one damn fast lens to take photographs in low light conditions. like fireworks for example.

For photographing stars i've google the techniques but the best condition must be at mt bromo that's why i want to go there once more just to take the picture ot he marvelous starry sky..obsession?yeah i guess.

O yeah and i'm planning to use my imaginary prime lens nikon 35mm f/1.4G with an aperture of 1.4 of course and a shutter speed of 2 minutes in ISO 800 or 1600 i haven't decide it yet but so far my imaginary camera works pretty good at ISO 1600 =P
and a tripod ofcourse..right now it's the only thing i have so it's not a imaginary tripod either.

but still long live imaginary photography!

Anonymous said...

o yeah make up your mind regarding mr swikee or mr toad. mr bald eagle wakakakakak

Anonymous said...

eh i forgot to mention that i'm currently learning to edit my photo's taken from mr bunhead a.k.a nobita prosumer camera, the panasonic SZ38..

and i'd love to be a professional photoshoper and a good photographer.. because I know my limitation to this hobby hehe so yeah I'll edit it and you'll see the difference i'll post it as soon as i can.

Aron Husink said...

Prime lens is the way to go..hehe..

Or you can try Sigma 50mm f/1.4..its the best fixed lens in the market so far, and of course cost a little bit more..it beats both Canon's and Nikon's 50 mm lens...


But I personally will use Canon 50mm f/1.8 II because it only cost about 80$..hahaha..I'll get it on Saturday at mangga dua mall with my sister...want me to ask some price details??just SMS me bro :P

Hmm..bromo...inform me when you will go...I'll join you if I can...haha...

and yes, post something about image editing..since I'm blind about photoshop...the only thing I ever done with it is cropping, merging, and colour tone changing -___-

Btw, if you got time to download, try ACDsee Pro 3..or I'll just give it to you when you get back here..a nice photographer's tool for managing your image and it shows the EXIF data readily...you can even do some minor tweak with it..