I was an inherently frustrate man – or boy perhaps – about the way I was, and the way I should had been; I never feel comfortable in the way of people in general, and even in the way I was or still am now; I never quite satisfy with the common answer about the purpose of all thing, and about how things should be, for the world, people, and me, anything, you name it. Well of course, many shares my frustration at some certain level, but trust me when I say that it is very different in my case. Many choose to shut their eyes and deny the frustration, or do nothing about it, some even don’t realize that they are frustrated and carry on with their lives. But for me the frustration never stops and it was like “I can’t go on living like this”.
So there came the start of my journey of self-discovery. It had brought me a long way and start from life-enhancing novel like Paulo Coelho’s (particularly The Alchemist) and Mitch Albom’s books, which are good, but once I get their main idea – seriously – there aren’t much left for me to learn from them anymore, but those still offer good reading tough. I scour through martial arts philosophies, Zen Buddhism, Taoism, histories of great men, self-assessed psychiatry – a little bit of a lunatic I guess – ,and finally Awareness – Which by far is the most influential reading of mine – and other Anthony De Melo’s books, and some long discussions with colleagues who share about the same level of frustration. And in the end my search has brought me right to the one that I have always avoid, Catholic Christianity. Why was I avoiding it? Because at that point, I thought that religion acts like doctrines which truth can’t be questioned, and to have questioned it, is considered infidelity – Which I think are the most fucked-up opinion of many religious fanatics. And those years of searching are the one that helps me shaping my spiritual maturity so that I am ready to finally learn about the religion that had been fated to me since the day I born without the same prejudice that I once had, and also thanks to it, I will not fall into some religious fanatics – which in my opinion have hampered the beauty of the sacred teaching and successfully mislead many devotees into shallow and false theological understanding by manipulating their insecurities.
Now why English? Because in learning something, I always tend to be an idealist. I think that a source of translation is always less tainted and unbiased compare to the translation itself. And since I will never be able to speak in Greek or Hebrew-Aramaic, the closest I can get is the direct translation from it, which is an English bible, and even our local Indonesian Holy Bible is a translation from the English one. And the other reason is because I simply love English. I think as a language, English is at a whole new level compare to Bahasa, so expect me to post some new-learned vocabulary from the Holy Bible.
So I discuss my options with a friend of mine whose uncle happens to be a Catholic priest and a Holy Bible scholar at the same time about which version of translation that offers both the combination of unbiased translation yet at the same time manage to retain the literary beauty of the language. So here it is, The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) Catholic Edition: Anglicized Text Holy Bible. Now that I finally have got one, and fortunately actually reading it at least until now, hopefully this bible really helps me in understanding His way.
seriously ron, It's great!!! maybe you should tell more why and how you end up with Bible or rather Christianity.
"Ignorance of scripture is ignorance of Christ"
First...why mikael???inspired by saint Michael??hahaha...
about that...Its because I think I now truly understand His teaching and his purpose in a grander meaning in contrary to popular believes...and Catholic is the only branch of christianity who understand this...not that I say every catholic devotees does..infact, most of them aren't...but some does...and deeply...Anthony De Melo is just one example of them...there are more of them like St Thomas Aquinas, Karl Rahner a catholic priest in the age konsili vatikan 2...and I think there are still many of them that I don't know or learn yet...
itu nama krisma gw lagi and yes itu dari Archangel Michael. Trus kan gw buat jadi ga pake nama asli gw jg hehehe
OOh..baca "Summa Theologica" by St. Thomas Aquinas.
And kayaknya lu perlu elaborate more knp lu bisa bilang cuma Katolik the only branch who understand this.
Btw if you want to know about catholic,
This is a great forum, org yg di forum2 itu penuh knowledge semua.
The problem is you can't expect me to explain a 2-3 years of searching and numerous discussions and reading in just a couple of post..
"Summa theologica" gue blom baca...kalo ada barangnya dan kesempatan gue baca...
please note that I also said: "in fact, most of them aren't...but SOME does...and deeply"
So to talk as Catholic as a whole branch who shares my point of view is also incorrect..what I'm saying is that, up until now, I only found a few of them and all of them are from the Catholic...
And admit it, Catholic is the only branch of Christianity that dare to say that "Salvation not only lies within the church also outside the church"...its an attitude that I respect immensely and could only came from a religion whose wisdom are drawn from the long history of struggling..other will just said that "if you are not with Christ then you are damned to hell"..and I will reply to them "GO TO HELL"..seriously...
about forum...hmm...I'll consider it...
anyway...read my post about humanity, and godliness...it contain some part of conclusion of what I have learned..
and if you happen to see a Christian Community Bible, Pastoral Edition, translated at Philippine..Get one...its a very good bible with a through and critical explanation for the entire scriptures..I borrow one from my friend...I wish I could buy one, but can't get my hands on it
About the bible u mention, gw uda ada kok tapi versi bahasa indo nya.
Actually there is one very important thing that Catholic believes, which I can almost say very distinct with other Christianity denominations. I hope you know it.
But I guess it would be very theological topic not philosophical topic anymore hehe
About the forum, you don't need to join the discussion, just read the discussions. I hope it will be helpful for your growing.
Oh ya??ada Indonya??u beli dimana??
Hmm...kemaren sempet liat forumnya...topik2nya kayaknya cukup mendalam sih...tar gue baca2 lagi..thanks...
Uhmm..about distinction..what do you have in mind?because I could think of some...but they are just my own thoughts...
anyway..kapan bakal balik indo??
Tanya aja ama Pak Arnol Susanto hahaha blg ma dia minta kitab suci yg edisi pastoral katolik (warna ijo, ga tau deh uda ganti warna ato blom).
Iya tuh forum bner2 membahas kekatolikan, dan yg join forum itu dari berbagai agama (muslim dan protestant).
yang gw have in my mind is eucharist hehe
Btw baca semangatkatolik.blogspot.com, si arnol ada nulis artikel tuh disono hehe dan baca http://theouiosoter.blogspot.com/ juga, ini yg buat pastur karmelit Benny Phang.
Yah ga tau nie lagi cari kerja, kalo mpe dapet yah disini. kalo ga, i guess akhir taon ini juga uda di indo hehe.
Oh...yang itu...kalo itu ane tau lah...hahahaha...
hohoho...arnol nulis juga neh...sip lah gue tar liat2...gue abis sms die neh nanyain soal pastoral itu...
Hmm...tapi diskusinya gak jadi rusuh ya kalo campur sari gitu??hebat juga kalo bisa terjaga dengan kepala dingin...
Iya van...kalo bisa dapet kerja disana mah ngapain balik...ilmu u bakal jauh lebih dihargain disana lah...tapi lagi sulit disana ya??btw gue bakalan make BB juga neh..Onyx...tar kalo udah YM n MSN gue bakalan nyala terus hahaha...
btw apa kabar blog u??masih menulis van??
oooh tuh tau, kok ga beli itu aja?
Nah..itu bagusnya tuh forum. Orang2 nya pada punya manner dan kalopun sampai ada yg kasar langsung di ban ma moderatornya.
Akhirnya beli BB juga lu, ga bisa melawan jaman yah hahahaha
Wah ga gitu lagi, belom ada inspirasi ron untuk menulis hehehe
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