June 29, 2011

Pity and Fate. From the Fellowship of the Ring

This is one of my favorite conversation in The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - to be precise, in the Fellowship of the Ring -. It happened After the fellowship entered the Mines of Moria (Khazad Dum), Just at the intersection where they stopped because Gandalf forgot which way to go. I quote it straight from the movie.

Frodo (F) : There is something down there.

Gandalf (G) : It's Gollum.

F : Gollum?

G : He's been following us for three days.

F : He escaped the dungeons of Barad-dur?

G : Escaped..or was set loose. Now the Ring has brought him here.

      He will never be rid of his need for It.
      He hates and loves the Ring, as he hates and loves himself.
      Smeagol's life is a sad story.
      Yes, Smeagol he was once called.
      Before the Ring found him.
      Before it drove him mad.

F: It's a pity(1) Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance.

G : Pity(2). It is pity that stayed Bilbo's hand.

      Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life.
      Can you give it to them, Frodo?
      Do not be too eager to deal out death and judgment.
      Even the very wise cannot see all ends.
      My heart tells me that Gollum has some part to play yet, for good or ill before this is over.
      The pity of Bilbo may rule the fate of man

Some simple messages that I like. The first is about judgement. I will not make a lengthy explanation about it. I think it's quite clear and simple.

Although there is one thing that intrigues me. The use of the word "pity" here can be immediately redirected for other purpose. The first "pity(2)" will be translated to Bahasa as "sayang sekali", but the second "pity(2)" should be translated as "kasihan". This I haven't cross checked it with the Indonesian version of the novel, but I think some meaning will be loose to translation. the ability to use the same word while immediately change its meaning is one of the interesting part of English language.

The second message is the work of fate. I love how Gandalf said that no one could truly predict every outcomes, even the darkest situation can actually end well, and visa versa. And sometimes an unfortunate event at present, or in the past, can actually lead to a good thing in the future, and visa versa. Thus the work of fate.

F : I wish the Ring had never come to me.
     I wish none of this had happened.
G : So do all who live to see such times.
      But that is not for them to decide.
     All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.
     There are other forces at work in this world, Frodo, besides the will of evil.
     Bilbo was meant to find the Ring.
     In which case, you also were meant to have It.
     And that is an encouraging thought.

I love the way Gandalf responded Frodo's desperation. It is quite similar with what Monk Gyatso, Avatar Ang's Teacher said toward Ang's uncertainty.

"But we cannot concern ourselves with what was, we must act on what is"

And at the later part of Gandalf speech, he iterates about the work of fate. If Gollum hadn't found the Ring in the first place, Bilbo wouldn't had gotten it, and so wouldn't Frodo. And we all know that at the end of the story, Frodo proved unable to cast the Ring into the lava. And it was there that Gollum's role come into place when he grace the Ring from Frodo by force and fell - with the Ring - into the lava.

Of course by the logic of probability, many could go wrong, but that doesn't mean that we have to loose hope no matter how unfortunate we are. I know that this sounds cliche, but at least it is an encouraging thought, said Gandalf.

June 25, 2011

Sang Pelihat Dunia

100.000 tahun cahaya lebarnya, dan 1000 tahun cahaya tebalnya. Demikianlah ukuran Bima Sakti galaksi tempat tata surya kita bernaung.

46 miliar tahun cahaya. Demikianlah radius jagad raya yang terobservasi dari bumi ini, dan itu pun belum diketahui batasnya.

1 detik, adalah waktu yg dibutuhkan cahaya untuk melintasi jarak dari bulan ke bumi. Demikianlah kecilnya kita, bumi, kehidupan, manusia, dibandingkan kemegahan alam semesta.

"Tuhan Maha Besar"

Begitulah kata para monotheis dan pantheis dengan kata-kata yang sama, namun pengkhayatan yang sama sekali berbeda. Kita - bumi, kehidupan, dan manusia - sungguh kecil, tak berarti dihadapan Yang Maha Besar.

Namun, cobalah bayangkan apa yang terjadi di alam semesta yang luas tak terukur itu.


Megah, tak terbatas, namun SUNYI.

Matahari bersinar terang, namun tak ada mata anak kecil yang melihat terbitnya dan berkata "Indah" atau merasakan cahaya paginya dan berkata "Hangat".

Gemuruh dan kilatan halilintar menyambar, namun tak ada yg melihatnya dan berkata "dahsyat" atau mendengarnya dan berkata "menggelegar".

Bintang-bintang bersinar, planet-planet berputar mengelilinginya, Namun tak ada ilmuwan yang melihatnya dan berkata "megah", atau melihat jajaran bintang dan memanggilnya "Ursa Mayor".

Hukum alam berjalan begitu saja dalam monotoninya, tak mengenal waktu, tak mengenal momen, tak mengenal masa lalu, masa kini, dan masa depan, karena tak ada yang mempersepsinya.

Adalah yang terbatas yang mempersepsi dunia dan eksistensinya dalam rentangan waktu - struktur apriori kata Kant. Kekinian pun dirasakan, momen menjadi ada, dan pada saat yg sama, Ketidakterbatasan - atau Kekekalan - pun dikenali.

Mungkin sesungguhnya hakikat kita - manusia - tidaklah sekecil dan se-tak-berarti itu. Mungkin memang benar adanya ketika Hegel mengatakan bahwa manusia adalah mata dan terang budi Roh Absolut - sebutan Hegel untuk Allah - untuk mempersepsi dunia - ciptaan-Nya.

Yang tidak terbatas melihat diri-Nya dan bergerak melalui yang terbatas untuk mencapai tujuan akhir-Nya. Manusia mengambil bagian secara aktif dalam proses progresif Roh Absolut mengenali, mewujudkan, menemukan, menjadi, dan melebur dengan diri-Nya sendiri.

June 15, 2011

Stairway to Cardiologist At Last. Stairway to Happiness? We'll See About That

Finally, I'm now officially a Cardio resident. Well, it has been officially announced by the department since 23th of may, but it just cross my mind that I wanna write a thing or two about it.

I have wanted to enter the Fellowship of Cardiology for a long long time, and it isn't at all an easy or even moderately difficult task, but instead it is a very very very HARD thing to achieve. I'll try to describe it without disclosing to much facts, but more just like a picture of how hard it is.

First, I have to bust my ass six hours a day, reading about cardiology. And that six hours doesn't come cheap either. Since I wasn't at home, but doing errands at South East Celebes, my surroundings there weren't actually conducive for such serious study, but I had no choice. So I went to the most comfortable coffee shop that I could find, and spent like almost all day sitting and forcing myself to read - which wasn't at all an easy task if you have leaved the college chair for more than two years -. Comfortable coffee shop also means, uncomfortable coffee and food price, but who cares - actually people will care, but I don't - because at that point, there is nothing more important that to be able to read and finish my study. So I would expend whatever it takes as long as I can study well.

Second I have to re-prepare for my TOEFL, which luckily wasn't such a hard task for me. Two days of review is enough for me, and I scored 627 by ILP standard, my last two years ago TOEFL was 630, it's a degradation but still acceptable. Sounds like bragging? You bet I am, anyone with TOEFL score 630 has the right to brag...hehehe...just kidding...or not.

And the last is that I have to pull strings that I never thought I would have to pull in my life. In my young naive days, I thought life is suppose to be simple. Work my ass hard enough, and I shall get what I deserve. But apparently, it isn't. I have to play smart, I have to consider every factors that could jeopardize my mission, and close the leaks here and there, and even after that, when I thought I've considered all leaks that is there to be anticipated, some unpredictable leak still emerged, and made the road slippery.

But eventually I succeed, not by my will power per se, but also by huge huge supporting factors (the collective will of many many people) that had been there along the road, aiding, guiding, even sometimes pushing me beyond my control to the direction that finally brought me here today. And from that six months of extraordinary experience, I could say that:

Human greatness is only limited by his/her power of will and God's will

Heck, I'm being religious, oh well. I do believe that intelligence does play some part, but not that huge. In the end, its all about will, and fate. Fate is the equivalence of luck, and luck is govern by the will of the Absolute Spirit (Hegel's way of saying God). But even when the supporting factors are there, and ready to help me, if I wasn't ready, if I wasn't well prepared, if I had not such strong will to prepare myself, then the chance would've been missed, and I wouldn't had succeed.

Training is nothing, Will is everything
Ra's Al Ghul - Batman Begins

Having endure such struggle, and then came out triumphant, I sure am very very happy shouldn't I? Well, there are some story about great warriors and winning their battles. Both the Pandawas and  Napoleon succeed in defeating their enemy, and seize the enemy's castle, but the story goes that they found that the castle is empty, as empty as their heart, the winning doesn't mean a thing. So, do I feel the same way? Yes and no. Yes, because I realized that after the euphoria of triumph has passed, things go back to normal in there - in the heart - which apparently is also what my friends had experienced before. But also no because I don't actually feel empty as they are, because I know as hell I'll be devastated and probably perform hara-kiri if I had failed the test. Well, in a nutshell, I'm content. I never was a constantly euphoric guy, but at least these days, I'm not swinging down to the bottom of the mood scale.

And something else that I want to point out is that heart, mood, or emotion is unreliable. You can't keep them up all the time, because in order to do so you shall feed them constantly, and if you do that, you are a drug addict - anyone who have known me for a long time will know that I consider human is basically a drug addict -. and this is also stated by Schopenhauer' theory about will (not the same will as I said earlier, but more like a lusty, consuming, egotistical will) that it always "wants", and it will never be satisfied. Sound like following your heart is very very bad and primitive right? But I do also know that there is no way that you can live your life if you keep your mood scale, or shall I called it Schopenhauer ego meter stays at the bottom.

So what about love? - From cardio to love? No, I'm not on alcohol, not on drugs either, I just feel like babble a little about it, after all, if I put the word "Happiness" at the title, it would be very relevant to discuss about love right? - Does love can give me that constant flying mood? I don't know. Theoretically  I should've said no, but I can't deny that in some way, I still do hope that it will. Well, probably not in constantly flying mood, but perhaps, if my mood meter is now oscillating from 40% - 80%, I hope, love - the right kind one which I hope I'll find - would bring me to around 30% - 100%, the bottom margin is loosened a bit to 30% because that is the amount of depression that I'll allow myself to be either caused by cardio, or by relationship.

Anyway, my new motorcycle, the white-pearl Yamaha Scorpio New Z has just arrived, WOHOOOOOO.... I probably call him Crixalis, since he is a white  big muscular scorpion, just like Crixalis the DOTA character. Well, this will hold my mood meter for some time, if he could help me getting a girl he could probably hold it for much longer. White motor bike  riders equals to white horsed prince right? Or no..I start to sound disgusting. Okay..On that bombshell..Good night..(Clarkson style).

June 10, 2011

Goenawan Mohamad

I've just made a dedicated page to post and share the writings of Goenawan Mohamad. Of course, all entry about his writings will still get posted here, and discussed (Even translated if I want to) here.

Why him?

Because he is the first Indonesian author that could impress me. He has deep critiques, ridiculously deep and large amount of knowledge in just about everything (philosophy, religion, anthropology, mythology, and all other -logy, you name it, other then science perhaps). But more importantly, He is the first author that could show me that bahasa Indonesia can also be written in a simple, but deep, symbolic, and thought provoking style, and he manage to do that with a daily language such as "grogi" (directly translated as stage fright) in a way that makes me dare not to jump into conclusion about what he means by "grogi".

I don't know whether his writing can be categorized as poetry, but it sure as hell provokes my emotion much more then other Indonesian popular poetry that emphasize on the mimics, intonations and - for crying out loud - tear shedding of the poet on the stage. I think a good poetry should be able to provoke our emotion even when we read it casually, not necessarily on the stage. So here it is.

*After attending yesterday's briefing at Harapan Kita Hospital with Cardio Head of Department and Head of Education. I realize that my time is short. That is why I'll try to do as much non-medical related stuffs as I want to before the business of cardio residency take over my life.

May 17, 2011


I've decided to create a new blog which you can access from that link up there called "The Executor". I decided to separate my blogging topics so that I can get them more in-focus. Existentialist and Photographer may reside within the same being, but to babble about both of them at the same time would greatly confuse the audience. You never heard Mr. Kierkegard spoke about hyperfocal distance or Ansel Adams gave a comment about Thus Sprach Zarathustra aren't you? Heck, even Gabriel Marcel who try to play around with both philosophy and drama, was more famous due to his philosophy. Learning from the past, it seems a good decision to concentrated on a particular subject, at least to a particular audience. Hence the divergence. Some of the post here that is too photographic would probably get exported to the new blog

Well, I'll still keep this blog running though, since I don't think I'll ever run out of critiques for the humankind. Bastards and fools are still everywhere, earth will not run out of those kinds - at least not in my life time -, especially in this part of earth where the Ubermensch is clearly misunderstood even by a person who claim himself as a scholar, so a critique will always has its place as a good countermeasure. Other than that, the Greats from the past - characters or tales - are still large in number that I'll never run out of them to tell and discuss.

In a nutshell: I got a biggie plannie for this bloggie thinggie. Just hope that the fire keeps burning with a plenty of time to spend on this. Fingers crossed.

March 1, 2011


I think my last post in Bahasa is the last thing I need to say..Combine with all of my post about those sort of thing and you could probably sum a "tiny tiny" bit about what I think of those matter..At least for now...But that "now" would probably be a very very very long time "now". I'll probably still post a thing or two, but lately the only things that stick in my head is Barney Stinson, Canon EF 17-40 F4L USM, yummy food, smokin hot girls, and Cardio, and of course AWESOMENESS..haha..well..thats just about it.

Till we meet again.

November 26, 2010


A single thread in a tapestry
Through its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design

And the stone that sits on the very top
Of the mountain's mighty face
Does it think it's more important
Than the stones that form the base?

So how can you see what your life is worth
Or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man
You must look at your life

Look at your life through heaven's eyes

A lake of gold in the desert sand
Is less than a cool fresh spring
And to one lost sheep, a shepherd boy
Is greater than the richest king
If a man lose ev'rything he owns
Has he truly lost his worth?
Or is it the beginning
Of a new and brighter birth?

So how do you measure the worth of a man
In wealth or strength or size?
In how much he gained or how much he gave?
The answer will come
The answer will come to him who tries
To look at his life through heaven's eyes

And that's why we share all we have with you
Though there's little to be found
When all you've got is nothing
There's a lot to go around

No life can escape being blown about
By the winds of change and chance
And though you never know all the steps
You must learn to join the dance
You must learn to join the dance

So how do you judge what a man is worth
By what he builds or buys?
You can never see with your eyes on earth
Look through heaven's eyes
Look at your life
Look at your life
Look at your life through heaven's eyes

Eksistensi dan Citra Allah

Ini bukanlah artikel lengkap seperti yang biasanya saya buat, namun sesungguhnya sebuah email yang saya tuliskan kemarin malam (masih di kampung) dan kirimkan pagi ini (masih di kapal) ke rekan diskusi saya. Karenanya mungkin dalam penulisannya akan terkesan tidak runut dan melompat-lompat serta terkadang membahas hal-hal atau istilah yang tidak langsung dapat dicerna, karena memang awalnya tulisan ini ditujukan kepada orang tertentu yang sudah terbiasa membahas urusan ini dengan saya. Saya meletakkannya disini hanya sekedarnya dengan kemungkinan ada saja yang membaca dan memahaminya. Dan ya, ini juga artikel pertama saya yang menggunakan Bahasa.


Dengan menyadari "eksistensinya",manusia sesungguhnya lebih dari berelasi dengan Allah, namun juga menyadari dirinya sebagai "citra Allah". Manusia menjadi "sadar" akan dirinya sebagai "perwujudan nyata" dari keilahian itu sendiri di dunia fisik materi, juga sebagai mata yang "eksis" dan memandang dunia. Dalam konteks ini, manusia sebagai citra Allah itu menjadi "inkarnasi" yang ilahi.

Ketika dikatakan bahwa manusia berbeda dari hewan karena manusia berakal budi, sesungguhnya akal budi inilah perwujudan "potensi" "ketidakterbatasan" dalam manusia. Yaitu sebagai satu-satunya mahluk yang "berpotensi" melihat keilahian.

Urusan "eksistensi" tidak akan pernah bisa dimengerti selama kita masih mencoba mempelajari Allah dan manusia dalam ranah "objektif" - Yang dimaksud dengan ranah objektif adalah mencoba menilai dengan menggunakan akal pikiran, rasio, dan logika (termasuk urusan yang tidak logis secara pikiran, karena selama hal itu masih dihubungkan dengan proses sebab akibat, maka ia masih masuk ranah rasio "objektif"). Ranah objektif hanya bisa memberikan kita "pengetahuan" akan itu, tapi tidak akan membuat kita "melihat" itu. "Eksistensi" hanya bisa dipahami secara subjektif dan personal, yaitu sebuah kesadaran diri sebagai "aku" yang hidup dan berada disaat ini, ditempat ini, dijaman ini, didalam tubuh ini, melihat serta mengalami dunia. Dengan menyadari eksistensi, ia menjadi "tonggak utama" dalam melihat sebagai subjek.

Menyadari - bukan mengetahui, atau menerima - diri kita sebagai "citra Allah" atau "inkarnasi keilahian" adalah tujuan yang paling utama dalam hidup dan perjalanan iman manusia. Kesadaran akan "citra allah" adalah tonggak utama yang membuat kita menjadi sadar penuh bahwa kita (atau "aku") tidak sama dengan tubuh kita, perasaan kita (reaksi batin terhadap external), karakter kita (kecenderungan dan penyesuaian kita dari lingkungan), bahkan pikiran (karena pikiran bekerja dalam ranah objektif dan logika) dan kesadaran kita (kesadaran dalam konteks objektif medis misalnya), dan karenanya mampu "melihat", mengendalikan serta tidak terikat dengan semua itu. Namun tentu saja tanpa menyangkal bahwa semua hal tersebut diatas juga merupakan bagian dari kita.

Dalam kesadaran penuhnya sebagai "citra Allah" manusia akan memiliki integritas dan moralitas yang "mendasar" dalam dirinya. Dan ketika sang manusia tersebut mampu bertindak dan hidup sepenuhnya dalam kesadaran tersebut, ia sudah menggenapi "kesadarannya" itu dalam tindakan nyata. Hal ini tidak mudah, karena manusia kerap terbawa kembali pada lima unsur diri tadi.

Inilah sesungguhnya hakikat manusia didunia ini. Inilah yang dimaksud dengan sadar diri sebagai "manusia sejati". Inilah yang dimaksud dengan menerima "Roh Kudus". Yesus berkata, menghujat anak manusia dan allah itu masih termaafkan, namun menghujat roh kudus itu tidak termaafkan. Karena "Roh Kudus" adalah keilahian dalam diri manusia, yang membuat manusia sebagai "citra Allah". Ketika Yesus menyebut dirinya sebagai "anak manusia" dan memanggil Allah sebagai "Bapa", Yesus mengungkapkan suatu gabungan antara "kedekatan" (relasi personal) dan "kesatuan" (kesadaran personal) dengan Allah. (Sadarilah bahwa pernyataan ini adalah usaha untuk menjelaskan secara objektif hal yang bersifat subjektif, karena itu tidak dapat lepas dari keterbatasan pikiran dan kata-kata manusia).

Dengan persepsi "citra Allah" yang demikian, maka berteori tentang allah menciptakan kita sesuai dirinya dengan mata, tangan, dan berbagai perwujudan fisik dan kemudian menyamakan perwujudan fisik allah dengan kita dari pernyataan "citra allah" adalah kebodohan luar biasa. Dan kebodohan lain adalah ketika manusia mencoba berteori untuk "membuktikan" keberadaan Allah, karena pembuktian menggunakan proses berpikir, berasio , dan berlogika, sedangkan keberadaan Allah adalah untuk "disadari". Keberadaan Allah juga bukan untuk dirasakan secara emosional karena emosi tetap hanya sebagian kecil dari diri kita, dan bukan bagian dari kelilahian. Dan jelas setiap perdebatan akan keberadaan Allah menjadi kebodohan luar biasa.

Ketika saya pertama kali menuliskan artikel "The Indescribable Experience of Consciousness and Existence", saya kira itu adalah kegilaan sesaat dan akan terlewati. Namun sesungguhnya kesadaran akan "eksistensi" adalah awal dari sebuah kesadaran yang sama sekali baru. Semua artikel sebelumnya, mencoba menjelaskan kemanusiaan dan keilahian dari analogi, dan ulasan yang bersifat objektif dan logika, mencoba mengartikan makna2 simbolik dari sang "firman". Namun ketika perihal eksistensi itu dihubungkan kedalam pengetahuan dan persepsi keilahian yang sudah ada, maka semua persepsi keilahian yang dulu menjadi tersadari secara berbeda. "Melihat" bukan lagi sebagai "perbedaan sudut pandang" semata, bukan lagi sekedar suatu kacamata lebih besar yang memandang seluruhnya dengan kebijaksanaan lebih, tetapi sungguh2 sebagai Allah yang melihat.

Tambahan diluar email: Perlu diketahui bahwa "kesadaran" subjektif akan keilahian, atau akan keberadaan Allah disini, sangat berbeda konteksnya dengan mempercayai begitu saja kebradaan Allah sesuai dengan yang tertulis, atau diajarkan. Pengalaman akan "eksistensi" diperlukan untuk bisa menghantar sang subjek ke tahap "menyadari". Dan sesungguhnya, saat saya mengatakan bahwa proses berpikir rasional objektif tidak akan bisa menjawab, bukan berarti bahwa proses berpikir ini akan dibuang begitu saja dan tidak berguna. Sebaliknya, berpikir rasional justru menjadi tahapan penting yang pada akhirnya membawa pada "kesadaran". Dan kesadaran ini sangat jauh berbeda dengan kepercayaan yang buta total begitu saja. Yang menjadi kebodohan adalah orang yang terikat ada proses berpikir rasional saja, dimana proses berpikir gagal membawa subjek pada proses "menyadari". Untuk dapat lebih mengelaborasi perihal kepercayaan buta, pemikiran rasional, dan "kesadaran" subjektif ini, saya akan memberikan link ke artikel rekan saya yang membagi pengalaman pencariannya dengan menjelaskan tahapan dan proses ini secara lebih terperinci.


October 25, 2010

The Indescribable Experience of Consciousness and Existence

No. This time it’s not an essay, because this matter is too great for me to explain, discuss, or argue systematically, I have none of the thinking capability (or at least not yet), and none the language or words that I could use to describe it comprehensively. This article is more of some sort of a sharing of my very personal experience, which I consider too peculiar. Hence the title “indescribable experience”

Since my childhood, I had a question that by normal human standard is considered abnormal, and it was “Why is it that I can see people looking at each other, but I couldn’t see me?” And that weird question didn’t stop there. It became a weird feeling that appeared within me as I grow. To feel separated from the rest of the world as if there are only two entities in this world, the first is the “I” who see, and the second is the “others” that is the rest of the world which I saw. There was never any answer to this question, so most of the time I just leave it be (I was a kid back there, what do you expect). Of course this kind of feeling comes and goes, and it even mostly goes away as I involve myself in the drama of human interaction that related to social function, social hierarchy of teenage, love life, quarrels with parents, pursuits of achievements, dissatisfaction toward my condition as human both in physical and character, etc, bla bla bla. But nevertheless it keeps returning, again, and again, and again.

As I grew a little more in character and faith (It was around high-school age), my opinions, and the way I see this weirdness grew a little. It was not just a matter of seeing anymore, but it was a matter of being truly exist in this body right here, right now. I couldn’t formulize any theory back then (and probably still can’t) since philosophy “wasn’t” my thing at that time. I couldn’t even write an article, and I wasn’t a very religious person also, or should I say that I did believed (yes it is past tense) in God, but had a quite discomfort toward religious rituals, and the idea of religious salvation that makes me feel doesn’t belong to it (at least at that time), it didn’t touch my heart. But nevertheless, this weird feeling eventually gave me the unbreakable faith to the existence of God, and I eventually stating to myself “There must be God, because I am here” (I was already in medical school by the time I have this idea). And no I wasn’t saying it in a sense like most faithful religious devotee said it “of course there should be God, because He created us”, no definitely not. As the matter of fact, I didn’t care whether we human being is created from the ashes or whether it’s a result of billions of years of evolution that originated from a single cell creatures, because as far as I’m concern, even if we really are the result of evolution, it also works in God’s way. Well, probably different from biblical way but still God’s way, it still is God’s work. I was saying it in a sense that my “being”, exists in this time, in this space, experiencing the world by vision, touch, and taste, is too weird to be called normal and there is no way such anomaly happens without the intervention of God in it. Weird huh, and sounds too narcissistic.

Then there were times that I was too busy thinking on “how am I supposed to life as human”. It occupied my mind for quite a long time, and hence the entire search of “the way” (not the existence) from martial arts, eastern religion and philosophies, books that explaining a way of life, and ultimately brings me back to Christianity, while still seeking from every source that the world could offer (Since I personally think that there is nothing in this world that is beyond the power of God). And this period of search is actually the most influential period of my life. It has shaped my vision about humanity, religion, universe, life, and God. It makes me a person that I never thought I would be, but there are moments when that feeling of anomaly returns, and it keeps returning but I don’t take heed of its call.

Lately, a friend of mind poisoned me with ancient Greeks, Germans, French and other western philosophy. At first I took it casually and later seriously but still related it to my perception about the world, universe and God. But just recently as if the “ingredients” that are gathered has quite enough, I suddenly experience this “explosion” of anomaly in a scale that I have never thought could have happen before. That night, I was reading some novel that actually has nothing to do with it, but it mentioned the experience of death, and it made me think about life, body, and soul. And suddenly the anomaly attacks my mind and heart out of nowhere, I scream to myself question like “What is this?” - While looking to both of my hands and moving it as if I’m wearing a new robot body -; “What the hell am I doing here?”; “Why am I here? Why now? In this time, in this age” Then I imagined myself seeing other “human object” and think “they are they, they are different from me, I am a subject who sees” “So if the objects are human, what am I? Am I still existentially can be called as human? (Of course scientifically I am human) Do I really belong here?” The subjective feeling is so intense that I could probably conclude it as “crystallization of consciousness”. I even scream in frustration that night, because in the face of such fundamental question about existence, other matters become minute and meaningless. “How can I continue to live without understanding the life itself?” I thought at that time.

Let me try to describe a little bit about the subjective experience of “seeing other humans as different objects” with an analogy. Take our eyes for example. We see many colors in the world and have a consensus about the colors that exist in this world. But in reality, what we see are actually photons and waves with certain frequencies, and then our brain is the one that actually interpret the wavelength as colors and thus we called certain wavelength with certain colors. The problem lies in “does our brain interpret the wavelength in the same way?” Take red for example. We have seen that particular wavelength since we were born, our brain has interpreted it in its particular way, and we were taught to called the interpretation of that particular color as red. So we all agreed to call it red. But there is a chance that color that I called red is interpreted my brain as color (X), while by your brain as color (Y), but we all agreed to call it red. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. This is just an analogy, but yet there is no way to find it out right? There is no way you could truly experience that the red that I see, because it isn’t you who sees it. Same goes for subjectivity. I can certainly observe the “symptoms” that you are the same as I am, and take the conclusion that we are both a conscious and functionally living human. But there is no way I could experience your experience of consciousness, there is no way I could be sure whether you are as conscious as I am. Why? Because to me, my existence is the only one that I can be sure is real. I can’t be sure whether you are real or not because I don’t experience your consciousness as I experienced mine. From my point of view, being real, exist and conscious is like being the one who sees, moves, and thinks. And that consequently will lead to two possibilities. First possibility is that if our consciousness is the same, but since we are separated, I can’t experience other people existence. The second possibility is that my consciousness is unique to myself, that other human beings have a different level of consciousness, or probably different entirely, a different “thing”. Which stand point will I take? When I’m assessing it in philosophical manner, of course the first possibility is the one that fits. But when I’m assessing it as “The one who sees”, the condition of being the subject itself already put me in the situation where I can’t see the sameness of our consciousness. Confused? So do I.

Another thing is that the feeling of being truly unmistakably real, is so intense, that it is impossible that it – the consciousness – will gone one day even when my body dies. It’s a combination of experience of being truly exist in physical manner, and of being truly conscious as a “soul” (the only words that I think resembles the crystallize consciousness). In this sense, I personally think that both Platon and Aristoteles are wrong and right. The former argue that the true existence is something that is not in the physical world but is in the world of ideas, in other dimension. And the later argue that reality is the one that you can experience in this physical world. In my experience (not just opinion) existence is very real physical manner but also has its unexplained non-physical aspect. And from that point of view, I personally think every simpleton atheist – who is being content of the idea that there is nothing more other then the physical world seeks nothing else about the meaning of this life – is a creature with lower level of subjectivity and consciousness – except the father of Atheism whose name I forgot and whose idea is somewhat related to cosmic and inner “God”. Their unawareness of existence is low enough to make such contentment possible. There is no consciousness within them great enough to make them think about existence seriously. No, I’m not being a religious devotee who fears that “if there is no soul and God then our life would be meaningless” and thus clings to the idea of heaven and hell. But I personally think that based on my “indescribable experience” of anomaly, there is more to life than just a world of chemical matters, and no I don’t need any bible or prophet to tell or confirm me about it. I’m sure of it by myself.

So that night actually bothers me with several things at the time, those are: 1) Am I existentially the same with other human being? 2) Crystallized Consciousness (or soul), its origin and its fate after leaving the physical being (which I’ll never try to discuss). 3) The purpose of being this anomalous existence in the end (if it really is anomalous). And as you can see, I am sometimes being philosophical, sometimes being religious, and sometimes being a semi-lunatic in the manner that I write this article. It is inconsistent, it experience some change of perception based on which point of view that I try to explain it. Heck I don’t care. It’s not an essay anyway.